ArchStrike – New Penetration Testing Linux Distribution


ArchStrike is new ArchLinux based penetration testing distribution made for security researchers and enthusiasts. We all know that Kali Linux is currently most used penetration testing distribution since It’s based on Debian and easy to use. In this case, ArchStrike is based on mode-advanced Arch Linux. On question “How does ArchStrike compare to Kali?” – ArchStrike developer Oğuz Bektaş (xorond) said:

We actually have a lot more packages compared to Kali (their 300~ vs. our 1200+) and we also try to keep them as bleeding-edge as possible and keep adding new tools. We actually do have an installer on our ISO which is pretty easy to use so that’s also a plus for you I think.

If you enjoy using Arch Linux and interested in Cyber Security, you should try this new distro, ISO files can be downloaded via torrent or over standard HTTP on their downloads page. Their Wiki page include everything you need to get started with ArchStrike, from setup instructions to setting up desktop environments. Since it’s new project, we expect more tutorials and guides on their Wiki page.

We just started downloading x64 ISO and let’s hope it will all work nice. 1200+ tools sounds a lot, so the question is: Will you use all of them? We will give it a try and publish review about this new linux penetration testing distribution. If you already tried this new pentest distro, please leave commend with your opinion.